List Comprehensions in Python and other tricks

About Simeon Franklin

List Processing

Many programming problems can be reduced to list processing

Think in terms of pipelines of data

All these problems can be described in terms of an input list that is filtered and then converted to an output list or value.

How do we write code to accomplish this task?



/* show total profit for orders < 10 in q4 2012 */
$records = array(array("total" => 8.50, "shipping" => 1.99, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Dec"),
                 array("total" => 8.00, "shipping" => 0, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Jun"),
                 array("total" => 1.00, "shipping" => 0, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Nov"),
                 array("total" => 85.00, "shipping" => 12.50, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Nov"),
                 array("total" => 17.00, "shipping" => 1.00, "year" => '2010', "month" => "Dec"));
$out = array();
foreach($records as $r){
  if(in_array($r['month'], array('Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'))
     && $r['year'] == '2011'
     && $r['total'] < 10){
     $out[] = $r["total"] - $r['shipping'];
$total = 0;
foreach($out as $profit){
   $total += $profit;
array(2) {


Can we do better?

If we can learn to think of pipelines of input and output data we can use functional programming techniques to solve these sorts of problems more elegantly.

function filter($r){
  if(in_array($r['month'], array('Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'))
     && $r['year'] == '2011'
     && $r['total'] < 10){
     return True;
    return False;
function profit($r1){
    return $r1['total'] - $r1['shipping'];
function add($x, $y){
    return $x + $y;
$records = array(array("total" => 8.50, "shipping" => 1.99, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Dec"),
                 array("total" => 8.00, "shipping" => 0, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Jun"),
                 array("total" => 1.00, "shipping" => 0, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Nov"),
                 array("total" => 85.00, "shipping" => 12.50, "year" => '2011', "month" => "Nov"),
                 array("total" => 17.00, "shipping" => 1.00, "year" => '2010', "month" => "Dec"));
$out = array_filter($records, "filter");
$out = array_map('profit', $out); //arguments reversed. So PHP
$total = array_reduce($out, 'add');

Is this better?

array_map, array_filter, array_reduce

Python’s solution: List Comprehensions

Filtering/Mapping in one line

[(one item in output list) (for loop defining input list) (optional if statement)]
# or
[(map) (list) (optional filter)]


>>> a_list = range(10)
>>> a_list
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> [i*2 for i in a_list] # Double the input numbers
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
>>> [i*2 for i in a_list if i % 2] # Double the odd numbers
[2, 6, 10, 14, 18]
>>> [i for i in a_list if i > 5] # greater than 5
[6, 7, 8, 9]



Try it out with Python shell online:

records = [{"total": 8.50, "shipping": 1.99, "year": '2011', "month": "Dec"},
           {"total": 8.00, "shipping": 0, "year": '2011', "month": "Jun"},
           {"total": 1.00, "shipping": 0, "year": '2011', "month": "Nov"},
           {"total": 85.00, "shipping": 12.50, "year": '2011', "month": "Nov"},
           {"total": 17.00, "shipping": 1.00, "year": '2010', "month": "Dec"}]

total = sum([r['total'] - r['shipping'] for r in records
                if r['month'] in ['Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
                   and r['year'] == '2011'
                   and r['total'] < 10])

