Javascript the good parts

About Simeon Franklin

Javascript: Unique!

Javascript is a very odd language. Not like any of the other languages I’ve used: Python, PHP, C, C++, Basic, Delphi…

Javascript is kind of unique! Is that good?

Javascript: Both Good and Bad

"Most programming languages contain good and bad parts, but JavaScript has more than its share of the bad"

"The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language"

Could javascript be a cool little language buried under various misfeatures? And what makes it so unique?

Javascript: The Good (and bad) Parts

Let’s look at a few features to avoid and a few of the features that contribute to Javascript’s uniqueness.


Much frustration with Javascript comes from incompatible implementations and scripting incompatible browsers with a crappy API. This is not the fault of Javascript as a language.

variables: the good

Javascript is a dynamically, weakly typed language with a usable variety of built in types:

a = 1; // variables do not have to be pre-declared or assigned a type
a = "a string"; // variables can hold different types of values
b = 2;
console.log(a + b); // types are dynamically converted
//  "a string2"
an_array = [1, 2, 3]; // array literals use square brackets
obj = {'lst': an_array}; // object literals use {key: value} known as JSON
// [1, 2, 3]

variables: the bad


a = 1;
function foo(){
  a = 2; // all variables are global by default
console.log(a); // 2

function foo2(){
    var a = 3; // always use "var" to create local variables
console.log(a); // still 2

// Never use the type coercing equality operators "==", "!="
console.log(0 == '');  // true!
console.log(0 == '0'); // also true!
console.log('' == '0'); // and yet false

flow of control: pretty much what you’d expect

var a = 10;
if(a > 3){ //standard if. JS has switch statement too

while(a > 0){ //standard while loop
for(var i=0;i<3;i++){ // c-style for-loop
var vals = ['a','b','c'];
for(index in vals){ // odd iterator loop returns indexes, not values

functions: pretty much all good!

Javascript is a very functional language. Argument handling is a bit weird:

function args1(){}
args1(1); // no errors raised!
console.log(args1.length); // number of variables function expects

function args2(x){
    console.log(arguments); //magic arguments object
args2(2, 'a string'); // also doesn't raise an error

functions: statement or expression?

Functions can be declared two ways:

// function statement, no trailing semicolon, always global
function foo(){
    return 1;

// function expression has scope of variable foo2
var foo2 = function(){ //also referred to "anonymous" function
    return 2;

foo2(); // call operators () work on variables

Always use the second form!

functions: scope and closures

outer = function(x){
    var inner = function(y){ // function declaration can be nested
        return x + y;  // functions can see enclosing scope
    return inner; // and js remembers scope (closures)
// calling inner(); would be undefined as inner is local var to function
adder2 = outer(2);
adder2(4); // cool!

OK: so what’s so weird about Javascript?

Javascript so far:

javascript: objects

Javascript is OOP without classes.


javascript: objects

Javascript has a "new" operator but we won’t use it. We can make objects simply with object literal notation and Javascript gives us a magic "this" variable to refer to the currently instantiated object.

var obj = {data: [],
           method: function(val){
     ; // this is "obj"

Sort of like objects… Methods applying to data that lives in the same namespace as the methods. But what about inheritance?

javascript: prototype

Prototypal inheritance means instead of inheriting from classes, objects inherit from other objects by way of a prototype chain.

But how Javascript does this is confusing:

javascript: prototype

var Circle = function(color, radius){
    this.color=color; // this only works if "new" used
    this.radius = radius;
Circle.prototype.area = function() {
       return Math.PI*this.radius*this.radius;
c = new Circle('red', 10);
// Changes to prototype
Circle.prototype.color_out = function(){return this.color;};
// can be seen on "instantiated" objects

javascript: inheritance

This does not look like classical classes at all. And what about inheritance?

Turns out: you have to roll your own!

Next time…

And that’s where I ran out of steam. Next time: understanding prototype, new, and Object.create to mix and match objects for fun and profit.

