Simeon Franklin
Blog :: My PyCon 2013 Poster
17 March 2013
Just getting this up quickly in response to the very enthusiastic responses I received today at PyCon. Nobody yelled at me! (Guido did frown a bit though.) And very many of you came to tell me the same two things:
- I agree.
- What can I do to help?
I'll have more to say - both in explaining my ideas and in answering that second question - but in the meantime I just wanted to put up my poster for those who asked (warning: 1mb .pdf). Thanks again to everyone who stopped by my poster to chat. If you just can't wait to begin the conversation (or you didn't get a chance to yell at me!) I can be reached on twitter @simeonfranklin or via email (simeon at marakana dot com).
Related tags: education, python
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