Simeon Franklin

Blog :: Google IO Talks Mini-Review

16 May 2013

I'm at Google IO blogging the talks I go to... Interested? Cool - read on!

Angular design Decisions:

This was a cool talk with a conversational style between a "manager" and a "developer". I recently interviewed Misko for Marakana's Breaking Open series so much of the content was familiar to me. I still enjoyed it and learned a lot.


  • a bit of history - how AngularJS came to be
  • a typical jQuery put-some-stuff-in-the-dom app
  • code disappears into angular directives
  • I think I get the DI decisions better and how the view, controller and model get hooked together.

Chrome Packaged Apps

Overall: interested in the topic and have done absolutely no research. I The talk was decent though I'd like to see a bit more code demonstrating API's that would be new to me. You can control the window size, position, ui, etc. Great - show me!


  • talk slides were an app themselves and demonstrated "immersive" apps (full control of size, window ui, native APIs like notifications, etc)
  • Apps have access to hardware, native API's like sockets
  • auto offline/cloud enabled. This was a pretty cool demo.
  • cross platform. Anywhere Chrome is including (in the future) Android. Google officially supports Cordova (phonegap)? and has contributed code.
  • Distribution via Chrome store and new features like partial rollout coming.
  • monetization (nice google wallet in-app purchase demo)
  • Some various concrete use cases (Kiosk Apps, games, website++, etc).

Instant Mobile Apps

Overall: This talk was at the wrong level for me. I didn't learn anything of significance and felt frustrated with the amount of time spent on (what felt to me like) basic web app optimization advice. The section on latency was worthwhile. The section on optimization felt like 15 minutes of "turns out you should be caching the output of your server-side code to reduce response time".


Part 1: Comparison of web app (original vs optimized).

Rules for mobile:

  1. show content soon (speed is critical)
  2. first impressions matter
  3. rule: show above fold content in <1 second
  4. 4G doesn't save us: higher throughput but still high latency

Part 2 rules for optimizing high latency environment

  1. avoid landing page redirects (double latency on first page load)
  2. minimize server time (can't control dns, etc, server processing time only fact under control)
  3. eliminate render blocking resource (inline critical css in the head but move css to end)
  4. prioritize visible content

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